Threads + HubSpot

How to install Threads + HubSpot

The HubSpot-Threads integration allows you to automatically log your emails and phone-calls with your HubSpot contacts.

To link your HubSpot account to your Threads account just following these simple instructions:

Step 1

Log into your Threads account

Step 2

Hover over your initial in the top right hand corner and click the Link to HubSpot button.

Step 3

This will then take you to your HubSpot account where you will be prompted to log in (if you are not logged in already).

If you have more than one account associated with your HubSpot login, then select the HubSpot account you wish to use.

Step 4

Click on the Grant Access button

Step 5

A confirmation message will pop up and you will be redirected back to Threads.

It’s that easy! You will start seeing your emails appear in HubSpot within 5-10 minutes.

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